"Monthly Avril" Jun09 "Contagious"

      This is one of the only rock-style songs that I like. If I can watch Avril’s concert, I think that this is the only song that can replace “The Best Damn Thing” as the overture of the show.

        The fabulous point of the song is the starting melody. I like to listen to music, but you know, I am so bad in music theory. Can anyone tell me whether the starting melody is played by electronic musical instrument (is it called synthesizer?) or not? My unique negative comment on this song is that the duration of it is too short. Also, the first and third stanzas’ melodies are not so pleasant to listen to. But the chorus and the bridge have improved this. So, generally, I quite like this pop music.

        This song talks about contagion. Does it infect you to listen more?

~Avril's Picture~: These two photos show the close-up of Avril. Avril is so cute! The second picture also reflects her temperament.

--------- SoCWon in Jun09

    創作者 kmsheng 的頭像

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